Saturday, June 27, 2020

NEW Book Release! Lady on the Run is published!

Lady on the Run is now published!

Rosie ... on the Run!
(the cover tells a story)

My journey to have my latest novel published
has been a long one, but so rewarding in many ways.
I compare it to running a marathon and finally crossing the finish line!

I have learned (over and over)
the importance of God's timing.
In fact, He gave me the last sentence of the book
the night before I was to have my manuscript formatted!

A little history of this story ...

I wrote Lady on the Run in the 70's as a non-fiction,
but due to several 'life-happenings'
I tossed my manuscript in a box ... until a few years ago.
As I sat and re-read the forty-some-year-old typed pages
I knew the story would become a novel.

That's when Rosie's journey began ....

Lake Tahoe 1977

Rosie's running days began in the mid-70's.
Years before she traveled the world,
Rosie was a stay-at-home Mom 
who by happenstance became an avid runner.
Her inspiring story will find you laughing on one page,
perhaps crying on the next,
and like Rosie, challenging you personally to ask,
What am I running from? 
and more important,
What am I running to?

If you're already into health, fitness, and fun,
or thinking about health, fitness, and fun*,
or would rather just read about health, fitness, and fun,
then Lady on the Run is for you.
(*A Ladies on the Run Handbook in the back of book)

Here is one of several reviews:
"Sharon Leaf's 40 years of running experience, quirky characters, and engaging story produce a book guaranteed to motivate, educate, and entertain.  Lady on the Run will inspire wanna-be runners to take their first steps toward physical (and spiritual) health.  Those who already run will be challenged to set new goals and  train not just for running their physical races, but for running their spiritual race--at their own pace!"
              Lori Slice Hatcher, author of Hungry for God, Starving for Time, 
              5-minute Devotions for Busy Women

You can now order
Lady on the Run
Paperback and ebook
on the following links:

My Author Page:

I wish you oceans of joyful Reading, wRiting, and Running blessings!

Smooth out your road in front of me,
straight and level
so that I'll know where to walk.
Psalm 5:8

The Los Angeles Marathon 1978
My first 10K ... 6.2 miles ... running in my baby blue Brooks!
The finish line was in the Los Angeles Coliseum
Home of the 1932 and 1984 Olympics
... let us run with patience the race that is set before us.
Hebrews 12:1

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On life's journey, whether traveling around the world or walking around your block, there's lots to learn about life, faith, friendship and fun! so lets dive into a new ocean together ... and lets keep that body movin'!