Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Lady Traveler: The Autumn leafs are falling, but these "Leafs" are standing strong!

A most eventful day in the life of the Leafs

Istanbul, Turkey 2010

Jesus loves the Muslims ... everyone!

The most wonderful event happened yesterday while Rob was sitting on a bench in Columbia while I was strolling the aisles of my favorite shop Anthropologie. When I came out a lovely lady was sitting and chatting with Rob.  Suddenly, something was casually said that opened the door for her to share her testimony.

The pretty Muslim woman told us of when she moved from Morocco to New York everything continually went wrong for her and her children.  One night she went to a large bridge and shook her fist in anger to Allah and yelled, "I'm done with you!"  Just as she was about to jump off the bridge, Jesus appeared to her and said, "Don't jump!"  That moment her life changed and she began seeking and serving Jesus ever since!

Once a Muslim.  Now a spirit-filled disciple of Jesus Christ.  Oh, what a glorious testimony of God's faithfulness, and a reminder to us:  God hears our prayers for us and for our loved ones and He is working in their lives whether we see it or not.  Lets thank Him for the work of the Holy Spirit who is working on our behalf!

I'm so happy we met Kandia and took the time to chat. (can't post our picture together)

The moral of this story? 

One, our simple testimony can change someone's life if we share it!

Two, 'It pays to say hello to strangers.'

 God restores!  If He can restore an old WW2 ship to transport Russian Jews 
from the Black Sea to Israel, then He can do the same for you, and me!

"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ,

He is a new creation,

the old has gone,

the new has come!"

2 Corinthians 5:17


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On life's journey, whether traveling around the world or walking around your block, there's lots to learn about life, faith, friendship and fun! so lets dive into a new ocean together ... and lets keep that body movin'!