Friday, April 30, 2021

Running our race--at our own pace! Part 4 ~ Endurance

 Running our Race at our own pace!

Part 4 ~ Endurance

And whosoever shall compel thee to go one mile, go with him two.

Matthew 5:41

My idea, my dream, my vision became my reality!

LADY on the RUN

What are your ideas, your dreams, your visions?

Sorry, its been awhile since I blogged.  Life caught up with me.  We did some remodeling in our cozy condo.  All the while I was under a doctor's care with my back, right hip and leg.  After weeks of Physical Therapy--ugh and yay--I'm feeling like the old Lady Traveler again, strolling the boardwalk, and eventually reaching my goal of my famous thirty-minute walk.

So now, let me continue with another aspect of our physical and spiritual journey.

Like I mentioned in my last blog I've learned that the more we start replying, Okay, Lord, I'll obey and go the second mile, is when it will become second nature.  It won't be long before we'll find ourselves wanting to go the third, fourth, and beyond.  That's obedience, endurance, and victory!

Endurance is an attitude that is required in becoming physically and spiritually fit.  Webster defines endurance: to remain firm under; to undergo; to tolerate; to bear with patience.

As we endure with patience, the second mile will become more natural and more comfortable in both races.  There will be times when we have trouble enduring, but God's word says that his ways endure forever.

His name shall endure forever.  Psalm 72:17
His righteousness endures forever.  Psalm 111:3
The word of the Lord abides forever.  I Peter 1:25
His lovingkindness endures forever.  Jeremiah 33:11

Jesus tolerates, remains firm, and bears with us patiently.  He is patiently performing the good work that he has begun in each of us.  That should encourage us, whether we are running the first mile, the second mile, or beyond.

One morning after returning home from a hard, five-mile workout, I headed for my long awaited shower.  As I passed my bedroom mirror I glanced at my reflection.  Eight months of faithful running had paid off.  My figure had changed ... for the better!  But why did I still have that one area?  I was hoping it would be gone by now.  Will it ever go away?  

That one problem area happened to be my tummy (I bet you already guessed--most women have one!)  Although my tum-tum was firmer since I had started running, I thought surely it would be flat as a pancake by now.  I was aiming for perfection.  That's when God used this to teach me a spiritual truth on perfection.

Though we are shaping up spiritually in many areas, there seems to be that weak area that continues to hang on.  For me?  Impatience.  Our imperfections (my impatience) are reminders that we may not attain total perfection, physically or spiritually, until we receive our heavenly bodies.  Meanwhile. we are not to be discouraged and give up.  Instead...

... Our imperfections can be turned into our challenges.  Everyone has their problem areas, physically and spiritually (tummy/impatience!) but as we continue to run our race, let's allow God to perfect us in His time.  It's a continuous process, one that requires teamwork and ... endurance.  I'm just a coach, but with God as our Captain, we have the victory!

My 'running body' when I was in my 40's*

 (our honeymoon in Mazatlan 1988)

At 75, this is what walking, biking and swimming did for me!

At 40 running 2 miles, 3 times a week did wonders for me!*

Biking across the USA 2015-2019

Hopefully by sharing a few of my personal parables, you'll be encouraged to run a successful race.  Be prepared for God to teach you through your own real-life experiences (write them down!)  This is the most effective way to learn how to run your race--at your own pace.  Feel free to contact me via comments, email, or Facebook!

Listen, then obey God's voice, and you'll also acquire a love for running a victorious race!

Who shall fashion anew the body of our humiliation,
that it may be conformed to the body of his glory ....
Philippians 3:21  

* Yes, I must brag a little.

To order Lady and the Sea  and/or  Lady on the Run  go to:

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On life's journey, whether traveling around the world or walking around your block, there's lots to learn about life, faith, friendship and fun! so lets dive into a new ocean together ... and lets keep that body movin'!