Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Running our Race -- at our own Pace! Part 3 ~ Boredom

Running our Race -- at our own Pace!

 Boredom is a terrible thing!

Part 3 ~ Boredom

Similar to Rosie's blue Brooks running shoes on cover of Lady on the Run 
(these are my walking shoes that Robinski bought me)

Exerpts from original manuscript  Lady on the Run:

Boredom can be another obstacle.  I've met women who absolutely dislike running.  If you've been running for several months and still dread the thought of having to run regularly, perhaps you should try another aerobic exercise program, or mix running with other aerobic activities.  I play racquetball or tennis on those off days.  I've also added swimming to my list when I'm near a swimming pool.  Winter sports like skiing is an excellent aerobic activity, especially when you're eating all those delicious dinners at the end of a day on the slopes!  Remember, God won't call us to do something we detest.  Instead, He will direct your path to an aerobic program that best suits you.

Boredom, if not dealt with, can easily cause one to become an ex-runner.  When we discussed this issue in our class, we discovered that we all had been plagued with boredom at one time or another.  We also agreed that running can depend more on our mental attitude than on our physical ability.  In running our physical race it seems that the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.  We desire to be in good physical condition while our body and mind resists, refusing to put forth the effort.

Our class came up with some solutions to this problem, but I still needed some spiritual insight to the situation.  While running one morning I asked my heavenly trainer, Why is keeping physically fit sometimes such an effort?  Why do I even have to run at all?  He answered through His word.

... for unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required.

Luke 12:48b

The answer was clear.  I have been given a healthy body so He requires me to maintain it.  He doesn't require as much from those less fortunate, although I have seen many who are less fortunate run circles around little ol' me.  I've often taken my good health for granted, not realizing my total responsibility for the upkeep.  So I prayed, Thank you for my health, Lord.  I won't complain again about having to put forth the effort.  I'll show you my gratitude by keeping my body in condition.

Here are a few suggestions when you feel you're on the threshold of boredom:

  • If you run in the morning, try running in the afternoon or evening.
  • If you run around your block, go to the local school track, or run around a different street.
  • If you run around the block clockwise, try running counter-clockwise.
  • If you always run one mile, go for two.
  • If you run for twenty minutes, try thirty.
  • Be a little competitive--take off to places unknown. Of course make sure it's a safe place, be sure to tell someone ... and carry your cell phone.
  • Try counting all the blue--yellow, purple--houses in your neighborhood.
  • If you always run at the same pace, slowly increase your speed.
Boredom is one of many obstacles that Satan uses to discourage us in both or physical and spiritual races.  Most often we submit to these obstacles when we have become lukewarm.  God warns us of becoming lukewarm in our spiritual race.

So because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold or hot,
I will spew (spit) you out of my mouth. (ouch!)
Revelation 3:16

It's dangerous to become lukewarm in either race because it gives Satan an open door to destroy the good work that God has begun in us.  We must always be ready to stand against our enemy when he attacks.  When we have our armor on, as mentioned in Ephesians 3, we can overcome those obstacles in our path.

When I begin my daily run, my heart rate suddenly speeds up, I'm breathing faster, and I might start feeling a minor ache or pain for approximately ten minutes.  This is when I can easily find an excuse to stop.  Well, it's another one of those days again (seems like I said that yesterday); My right knee hurts (last week it was my left one); I  better stop because I don't want to do any permanent damage to my ankle (or foot, or ... ).

The first mile is the hardest but as I continue running at my own pace, a relaxed feeling begins to come over me by the second mile.  When I reach this point, I'm happy that I pressed on.

Jesus taught us about going the second mile in our spiritual race.  Many times it's convenient for us to go the first mile but to go the second mile?  I don't have enough time.   I'm not ready.  We always seem to have excuses.  Need an example?  I'll call Debbie and invite her to the running class, but go pick her up?  Oh, no, I don't have enough time.  What I'm actually saying is, I don't want to go the second mile.

I've learned that the more we start replying, Okay, Lord, I'll obey and go the second mile, is when it will become second nature.  It won't be long before we'll find ourselves wanting to go the third, fourth, and beyond.  That's obedience, endurance, and victory!

Endurance is the theme for my next blog.  Until then, keep reading and keep that body movin!

And whosoever shall compel thee to go one mile, go with him two.
Matthew 5:41

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On life's journey, whether traveling around the world or walking around your block, there's lots to learn about life, faith, friendship and fun! so lets dive into a new ocean together ... and lets keep that body movin'!