Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Traveling Across Town for a what??

Aunt Eunice heading for McCoy's Furniture Mart
I was watching TV with Aunt Eunice the other day and after the commercial was over, she suddenly jumped up, grabbed her purse and headed for the front door.

"Aunt Eunice, where are you going?" I asked.

"That announcer said they are having a sale on their sexual sofas, so I'm heading across town to McCoy's Furniture Mart and buy me one!" she announced.

"Aunt Eunice, you must get your hearing aids adjusted.  He said they are having a sale on their sectional sofas!"

This encounter with Aunt Eunice reminded me that we must be careful of what we think we hear.  Otherwise, we can get ourselves in a whole lot of trouble.  

And that's all I'm going to say about that.


Jennifer Richardson said...

you are a riot, Sharon:)
thanks for the giggle,

chateau chic said...

Do you hear me giggling after reading this cute post??
Mary Alice

simplewithsyd said...

I think I have my right ears on!
I hope to 'see' and 'hear' the Lord saying, go this way, say this.

On life's journey, whether traveling around the world or walking around your block, there's lots to learn about life, faith, friendship and fun! so lets dive into a new ocean together ... and lets keep that body movin'!