Saturday, April 11, 2015

Lady Traveler's Birthday Girl. My Daughter. My Blessing.

Mother loves Daughter
and vise versa!
Words cannot describe my 
absolute adoration for my daughter, Jacqueline Shayne.  
Most mothers will totally understand,  
so I won't go on and on about my girl.
Instead, I decided to share a little story that my mother wrote four years after Jacquie was born.  
My Mother, the writer.  My Mother, the doting grandmother.  
So I went to my office and found the torn manila envelope tucked in a drawer
where my mother's stories are kept of times past.
Thanks, Mom, for this one.  Once again, it brought new tears to my eyes.

"Introducing Jacquie"
written by Kathryn Sue Cook (Mama Cook)

Hello. My name is Jacquie.  
I am four years old. Normal in size.  Brown hair, brown eyes.
Mommy is brunette and pretty.
Daddy is blond and handsome.
I call my Grama Mama Cook because all my mother's friends rush in and yell,
"Hi Mama Cook!"
Grampa Cook I call--yuk--BowWow.
I tried saying grampa but it came out BowWow.
Now and then I hear the grownups trying to explain it away.
If you watch close they will give each other a look that says,
those people are coo-coo.
Gram Watson is my other grandmother and Papa is my other grampa.
No one ever has to explain them or watch for a strange glance.

One day Mama Cook told me how GOD sent me
'Special Delivery' to my Mom:

"God has millions of little souls in a very beautiful, beautiful place.
He loves and cares for them all.
Some go to black people, some to white, others to different races ... "
(Mama Cook is far-out sometimes;
she said God has these chutes, similar to laundry chutes)

Mama Cook had my attention, so she continued:

"It was a very busy day on that special day in April.
The chutes were going full blast all over the world.
The angels were working overtime, sending down girls, boys, twins, et cetera.
Some got a boy when they already had four boys,
and vise versa with the girls.
Probably a few parents were disappointed,
but once their little conceived idea made its public debut,
no one ever thought of sending theirs back.

"On the eleventh morning in April,
the chutes suddenly stopped!
Pandemonium set in!
You could hear the faint fluttering of angels wings,
For next on the format came into view
a little soul marked
written with God's own hand.
Everyone knew what that meant:
The mother had to be one who could mold and make a human life that would bring 
honor and glory to their Creator.
Without hesitation, it was agreeable to whom
the mother of  PRECIOUS should be,
so with all of heaven looking on
--and the heavenly choir singing--
down to earth and into the loving arms of a dear sweet girl named Sharon,
the Lord sent this magnificent and priceless gif t... a little soul."

Now, this is the story that my Mama Cook tells.
Parts of it are believable,
and I must admit that it sounds better than other stories I've heard from my little friends.
One said her parents found her in a cabbage patch.
Another said she was told that a stork flew her in.
From these three stories, you can make your choice.
Or perhaps you have another and better one and it is also far-out.
But as for me ... well, shucks ... I'm stickin' with Mama Cook's version.
It'll make her feel good if I believe,
and I like to make folks feel good if I can, don't you??


Note: A fiction story that Jacquie half believed.

So that is exactly how it happened forty-nine years ago.  
I believe every word.  Why?
Because I was there.

Happy Birthday, dear daughter of mine.
You are a lovely Proverbs 31 lady.

Favor is deceitful,
and beauty is vain;
but a woman that feareth the LORD,
she shall be praised.
Proverbs 31:31

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On life's journey, whether traveling around the world or walking around your block, there's lots to learn about life, faith, friendship and fun! so lets dive into a new ocean together ... and lets keep that body movin'!