Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Happy New Year sprinkled with Tears and Hope

Fort Mill, SC 2007

Writers are supposed to grab a thought,
sit down, and write.  And write...
But what if you have so many thoughts going around 
in your head that you don't know where to start?
That's when I let my heart--led by the Holy Spirit--take over.  So through the happiness of the holiday season,
many are experiencing sadness ... so ...

Sometimes we just need to cry, don't we?  
God sees our tears.  
He promises you that even through the blur of sorrow, 
a light of hope shines brightly--no matter what the loss.  
Even when tears fall, hope stands.  
God says to you, 

"I know the plans I have for you ... 
plans to prosper you and not to harm you, 
plans to give you hope and a future."
Jeremiah 29:11.

"Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for HE who promised is faithful."  
Hebrews 10:23

Now, moving right along ...

For the last two years my "word" for 2021-22 was courage.
Definition: The choice to confront fear with confidence.
So I obeyed God and started "The Boardwalk Babes"
(with the *encouragement* of my friend Jessica)
((notice that *word* has courage right in the middle!))
I had no idea what I was doing but turns out to be
one of the biggest blessings in my life!
The BBabes are gifted, talented, giving, and kind.
I could go on and on but I'm trying to keep this short.

My "word" for 2023 is Daring!
I'm a RED* -- Retired-Extremely-Daring!
Definition: Willing to take risks. Bold and venturesome.
I have no idea what that holds in store, 
but I know it means that 
I won't be sitting around twiddling my thumbs.

To all who are out there in Blog Land,
I wish you an abundance of blessings for
a Happy New Year
and remember ...
Keep reading and keep that body movin'!

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On life's journey, whether traveling around the world or walking around your block, there's lots to learn about life, faith, friendship and fun! so lets dive into a new ocean together ... and lets keep that body movin'!